For generations, in medicine and by the general public, autism has been viewed as a disorder to be cured. The behaviors associated with autism have been deemed socially off-putting, impolite, or just plain...
While the vast failures of the Soviet Union have been deeply cemented in the minds of Americans following the Cold War, many remain ignorant to the reach of the failures committed by a variety of rulers...
The story of the societal impact caused by Upton Sinclair's 1905 novel, The Jungle, is a strange and fascinating one. With almost journalistic accuracy, the novel viscerally tells the fictional story of...
Critical race theory is an academic concept focused around the idea that racism in the United States is highly systemic, and not just issued by individuals. This theory strongly teaches that racial injustice...
In early January, the Golden Globes made its triumphant return to late-night broadcast, attempting to overcome its legacy of corruption, racism, and misogyny with a 3-hour ceremony featuring hundreds of...
In my Consumer Education course, we were required to interview for a job. The job I interviewed for was the management and upkeep of a golf course. The sole question I had as I walked out of the interview?...
Over the course of the past decade, the queer community has seen a wonderful increase in media representation. Quality queer characters have thankfully become increasingly less akin to water in the desert...
Most people eat apples without thought or consideration, but we may not be using the apple to its full potential. Instead of eating our apples horizontally, circling around the core, we should eat our...
On May 13th, I interviewed Liv Harmening, an educator working for the Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault in Arlington Heights (NW CASA). As the Supreme Court is expected to overturn Roe v Wade and...
He is covered by nearly every world history class at New Trier. In 2001, Cornell put his book on the mandatory freshman reading list (Jaschik). Yet, as far as Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel pervades,...
The rules of covering are not explicit in the religious canon of Islam, considering how important of a cultural element it is to the modern Muslim faith. The first ideas of Muslim women veiling come from...
The belief that every human life holds infinite value pervades time and religions—existing as a fundamental truth to human nature. Yet, with accessibility and technological advancements rapidly increasing,...