When Donald Trump referred to the problem of “the swamp” in Washington, his frustration struck a cord with many Americans. There is a pervading sense that our politicians have been captured by special...
During December 2023 my family and I got to explore Paris and London. Among beautiful cathedrals, enchanting nights, and many fun activities. a particular element of this trip has stuck with me - my experience...
In the past decade, rapid advancements in genetic engineering and new research practices have raised both positive and negative responses in the medical community. The new ability to edit genomes has led...
In February of 2024, Augustana University Nursing student Laken Riley was abducted and murdered while jogging, sparking almost immediate congressional action and the passing of a law bearing her name....
Teddy Jack
The Honorable Tammy Duckworth
House of Representatives
SD-G12 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Tammy Duckworth,
When writing the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the Republican Party wished to decrease the estimated financial impact of the bill, as it would increase the national debt by trillions of dollars, and...
When visiting a grocery store, we are met with an apparent multitude of choices. Meat and cheeses advertising grass fed cows, chickens and eggs labeled as free range, corn claiming incomparable freshness....
Healthcare costs in the United States are crippling, and they have remained like that for a very long time. Although the US offers insurance through programs such as Medicare and the Affordable Care Act...
Both Presidential nominees, Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump , bring hope and promise to their respective parties. Here are three key issues of the 2024 election and what each candidate...
The American economy has, specifically in the past two election cycles, been a massive talking point for Republicans and Democrats, with both parties holding each other responsible for broader economic...
The margin between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election is tight, with only three weeks left for them to grasp extra ballots before the big day. Thus, the...
To ensure the strength of American democracy, states should repeal “sore loser” laws in order to allow more diverse representation of the values of the people in the United States government. Outlawing...